I'm amused and saddened by properly spelled words that don't mean what the author thinks they do.
Vernacular diseases ftw!
That's right folks, the epidemic of everyone suddenly speaking the same local language caused the apocalypse. Suddenly, no one was able to hide behind geographical or cultural misunderstandings and deliberate heretofore hidden insults, and they blew each other up in a fit of pique.
People on Flickr are often having a cow about Pinterest.
I'm not even sure what Pinterest is. Is that similar to Instagram? Which I also don't know much about. I still upload most of my photos to livejournal scrapbook since I have a paid account and storage there -- why not use it. I have a Flickr account somewhere which I rarely use. I should probably change my default photo uploading site to one of those new fangled places but eh. Too lazy.
Pinterest is a place to put photos you find. It's like a digital corkboard.
Pintrest is great for when you want to make a visual list of things you want to have when you have a zillion bucks and a lot of space.
Yeah, BBC Sherlock Irene Adler is gay, per her words. So writing her as having this heterosexual lost love tragic backstory is... baffling.
As is rating something M when NOTHING happens that warrants it.
It's sometimes amusing to see what ratings people think their stories deserve.
edit: "OMG, there's a penis! It's mature!"
I occasionally feel like I missed some giant happy fandom tour bus by not grokking Tumblr, and then I read things like the last few dozen posts and I don't even.
I occasionally feel like I missed some giant happy fandom tour bus by not grokking Tumblr, and then I read things like the last few dozen posts and I don't even.
Eh, for all my complaining, I've been enjoying it. Two of my fandoms are mainly Tumblr-and-meme centered, so it keeps me in the loop.
Oh, I don't mean that to come off in a tumblr-hating way -- just in a completely bewildered huh kind of thing!
(And now feeling super-paranoid that I've peed in cheerios or stomped on beautiful cakes or somesuch. Yargh.)