She's hideously, ridiculously talented, but there's no way her body mass can be large enough to contain the amounts of saccharine she seems to thrive on. But, I bitch about that, and then she kills Castiel or has them roleplaying priest/angel, so it's all good. I just have to pace myself.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
That was ... treacle-y. Wow.
Tonight's experience: That awkward moment when you figure out that the WiP that posted a new chapter was not the one you thought it was. Makes conversations between characters very confusing.
Speaking of being unable to tell which fic is which, I really dislike it when fics either use some obscure song lyric as the summary, or the first sentence of the fic, and neither gives you anything substantial to hang onto the fic as a whole, or even onto the very first chapter.
I know summaries are hard (and my god, am I ever regretting mine and am trialing new versions in private), but even a shite summary with relevant specifics is helpful. Especially when updates are few and far between.
Also, a summary of: he gripped him tight and raised him from perdition. There's a story there. This is it.
Not helpful. I've seen a multitude of variations on the story of X pulling Y from Hell. As cool as it sounds, it's not distinctive in the fandom.
I could maybe see it if you're posting the whole thing at once. But if you're WiPing it (WiP it good*), yeah, I need to know which post-Reichenbach this is.
* sorry
Does a Corpse Bride adaptation particularly need a villain as a original intended spouse of the protagonist? I mean, making that person a fusion a horrible person a facet of the original story or more likely to be character hating from the show?
WIP it real good!*
Yeah, post-Reichenbach needs distinctive summaries, because my god, there's so many!
*not sorry
I didn't like Corpse Bride or whatever it was called, and between that, the PG rating, and Lisa cast in a noncomplimentary role, I skipped it entirely.
I get that sometimes villainy is determined by the plot you're following, but it wasn't done very well, and I think that choice of hooking Dean up with someone he didn't hook up with in canon is just as viable as not demonising (literally or figuratively) someone who was nothing but sympathetic in canon.
Other than that, it was clumsily written and not very rewarding. Writer went with Sarah as the ultimate Sam pairing instead of Jess which I thought was interesting. I haven't seen her around as much recently, and I miss her, but I am old school about canon nods, and I do kinda want her to be his second GF, not the only one in the story.
Beyond picking out what grades a writer is in, picking out who they hate is also an interesting (and easier) exercise. (And, wow, a lot of fans seem to really hate John/JDM).
And, wow, a lot of fans seem to really hate John/JDM
Oh, yeah. Waaay back in S2/3, I posted a bigass John Winchester defense post. I got more comments on that than on any other piece of show-related meta, ever.
It is my considered opinion, that if the reader can identify which character the author hates (not the narrator, the author), they're DOIN IT RONG.