That's romantic? I think you've been trolled, ita.
'Soul Purpose'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I say, return fire with cafe de labeill and romantisize the hell out of him.
It's not like he's new, or anything--we've talked before, quite a lot. And it's not like I'm a good target (even on IO9) for grossing out with porn--I did start the conversation, after all.
*So* weird. I have no idea how to respond.
I think Swift settled things in Battle of the Books with his spider and bee allegory. [link] He was talking about basing derivative works on writings of the "ancients," not Merlin or The Avengers. But fanfic based on Aristophanes is still fanfic.
*So* weird. I have no idea how to respond.
The same way any good one-upper does: graphic Wincest dubcon fanart links.
Nah, I went with Matt's suggestion. I went with this. From home, I might give him something unromantic, perhaps with tentacles. Wincest tentacles...
Just make sure you say it's the single most romantic thing you have ever seen.
Bwah ha ha! I'm half surprised kittens wearing bows didn't spill out of my monitor when I clicked the link!
Spats, motherfucker. Spats.
I think I spit on my monitor looking at it.