It depends. Your author could have written you more than one. Your original author could have defaulted but still managed to get a story posted, and you got a pinch hit written. Or someone could have seen a prompt they liked on the Yuletide Madness list (where all prompts are thrown open to everyone) and written a story for it.
One year my author defaulted, and I got like 5 stories.
I've started (slowly) browsing the Yuletide archive, and found a story that may be of interest to many of you:
Scenes from a Cultural Exchange, or the Muppets Take New Burbage
Yes, it's a Muppet Show/Slings and Arrows crossover. The character interactions are glorious.
Isn't Yuletide great? I just read some Edward and Mrs. Simpson crack fic: [link]
There is Yuletide fanfiction about the a cappella group at my university! It is a little weird.
Ok- I take that back- it is not actually RPF, it is based on this music video that they made:
Anyone know when the Yuletide author reveal happens?
I have a RIDICULOUS number of tabs open, to like twenty different Yuletide fandoms.
Dragons in Prohibition Chicago! Sports Night on Quidditch! Muppets at New Burbage! Scheming lawyers! Bronte Sisters! Jirel of Joiry! (Seriously: someone wrote Jirel of Joiry fic!)
I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow. My boss is out: possibly nobody would notice...
Jirel of Joiry! (Seriously: someone wrote Jirel of Joiry fic!)
Ooooo! Can you please link?