The best I get out of Daniel is "well, at least she's entertaining."
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Anyway. Clearly they need to go on some long adventure together and spend three days running and hiding from people and get all sweaty and grimy and find common ground. Yup.
*waits patiently*
Except, no, I shouldn't encourage you. I need to encourage ADW! My priorities are slipping.
Has SG-1 finished shooting for the season?
because CB's tenure is coming to an end, and I am verklempt.
I think they've probably hit their midterm break by now, yeah. They take a summer vacation and start shooting again in the fall, or something like that.
So, no, Betsy, they're not done for the season. I suspect that given the strong response, we may see Vala again. At least that's my hope.
*waits patiently*
Gah. You saw me up above: I just can't do banter. We need Shalott or Shrift or Dana to write it. I have hopes of Taf's new thing: she does good banter.
I do good banter, she said immodestly, but I just... can't make the chemistry work.
I mean, Vala ties him to the bed, prepares to have her way with him, and he asks her to go get his reading glasses and an artifact.
But not in a good way.
I mean, Vala ties him to the bed, prepares to have her way with him, and he asks her to go get his reading glasses and an artifact.
No, no, you need something else in there.
Like...they all go offworld and they get jumped by the Orii and Daniel loses his GDO and Vala never had one anyway. Cam and Teal'c get away. D & V have to hide in the woods and steal food from the local's gardens and stuff.
So there's keeping watch, and guarding each others' backs, and whispered arguments about what to do next. She loses a bit of the high-maintenance stuff, because it's necessary and she's competent. They each save each other's life once or twice. Perhaps there's some small injuries. They're living in each others' pockets for a week or so, without the pretense and with no room for annoyance: if they don't get along, they'll get killed.
Not a lot of overt bonding, but a slow growth of respect on both sides, and Daniel realizes that there are ways in which Vala can be trusted, even if she's still a con artist.
I don't see sex on a bed: it's in the dirt, hiding from the bad guys tromping around with torches and spears, without words, and with most of their clothes on, desperate and hurried. And afterwards, they don't talk about it. Much.