I suspect as much, but I wanted to let them know what I'm sure other people are thinking, rightly or wrongly, and there are going to be people who take it wrongly. This plays into their image of the kind of service they are and if people start thinking it's done because of that reason, they may choose to go elsewhere. Just like a lot of folks moved over to Dreamwidth when LJ looked like it was going to shut down all kinds of journals and comms for their content. Whether it's a basic error or not, there's a lot of folks out there who aren't developers who won't know that and are going to assume the worst. I considered it a public service to let them know that.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
But your email sounds like you think they're being homophobic, which is going to be taken less seriously than "Hey, you know people are going to think you're homophobic", especially if you (developer-you) really don't care in the least about the gayness of the tags. Which I would expect is the case.
Hell, the gawker redesign doesn't even have slash tagging, but they broke shit with slashes in it. It doesn't make fandom look good to keep running to the conspiracy explanation every time.
I know it is pretty popular to use portmanteau ship names in het. fic circles, but I despise them, and use name/name regardless of respective gender or the slashiness of the pairing. I am not the only one who does that, too. So while it may hit the slash community harder, y'all are not alone. I say this as someone who rarely uses Delicious.
They've already fixed the slash problem, let's hope they get to some of the other stuff just as quickly.
New Delicious blog to track the beta updates: [link]
I know I'm missing something obvious here, but I'm on AO3 on the last page of a WIP. How do I set an alert for its completion or furthering?
The best I can figure out is that you "subscribe" [link] to an author and then anything new they post, story or chapter of a WIP, will be sent to you in an e-mail update. Kinda clunky, but I suppose it's better than nothing.
Hrrm. Thanks. I hope this author doesn't write about anything else.
So with Delicious it looks like tag auto-complete is back, the slash issue is no longer an issue, and the main screen shows 25 links instead of ten. Not back to prior usefulness, but no longer useless, to me, at least.
almost dead here