What I'm missing most right now is the tag fill-in function. I used to start to type "recipes," for example, and all of my tags that recipes:TYPES came up and I could choose one. Now I have to ... actually remember my own tags.
'The Message'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
The whole "/" problem in tags is my main concern. Because I mostly use Delicious for fic (and recipes), and most my fic reading is based on pairs within a fandom. Watching the wailing and rending of hair play out on my flist this morning has been quite the experience. Some people used a lot of features such as tag bundles as major organizational tools, and apparently those have been hosed.
As someone who hopes to continue using Delicious, please, for the love of god, wail and rend at the developers and customer service people.
I'm planning to. I just have to figure out how to explain what's not working for me, because I'm not very knowledgeable about some of the coding terms (i.e. what stuff I liked was actually called).
According to the Avos blog, they've fixed RSS and will be restoring bundles, among other things: [link]
I'm still disgruntled, because I think they should have made it clear before they went live what would and wouldn't' work. They also didn't say beforehand that they would be porting over a limited subset of data, which is why everyone is freaking out about lost tags.
Even if they do plan to fix things, I don't think they're doing a very good job sharing data. If I'm on Delicious, I don't see why I have to click over twice to get to the Avos blog where they're sharing information. There should be a link on the front page of Delicious to a post about the conversion. Aside from all the technical problems, they're shit at customer relations.
Oh, I sent in my feedback yesterday evening. I politely pointed out the specific problems the change was causing me.
I kind of feel like we're Delicious' beta testers. Which, eh, free service, I'd probably have volunteered to be one if they'd asked. But it would have been nice to be asked to beta test a version on a sandbox somewhere, rather than logging into the official Delicious and wondering why clicking on over half my tags led to 404s.
I'm afraid my message was in allcaps. I was upset.
And now I'm afraid to sync my Firefox with Delicious, for fear I'll lose the bookmarks I have backed up.
Looking at it on the phone, I really couldn't even see that there was a FAQ. All my phone booksmarks are just 404ing. But I will head over there, and see who I can report things to.
ETA: I did just send feedback. I sent it to the feedback link, not the complain link. It took me awhile to figure out how to get to the contact us (because I had to go to "learn more" first.) I think also I am just overwhelmed by the large pictures on the front page!
So, I hit up the "complain" link, myself. I sent a list of six things I didn't like. I'll share one with you:
3) Not only do I have Kirk/McCoy, but I have Steve/Danny and Kirk/Spock and Chekov/Sulu and who knows how many other tags with a slash mark in them. Are you homophobic? This is a common way of designating slash fan fiction and I can only think you must be homophobic to make it so none of our tags with slash marks in them work.
I expect Delicious is just as homophobic as LJ was when they broke their slash tags. It's a really 101 level programming error (with non-thorough testing) to make (which I've made myself) which has no social ramifications.