For the purposes of this discussion, I would define it as: self-indulgent. Too much emo, too many speeches about fighting the good fight, not enough complexity or ambiguity.
It's not a porny story, but it's clearly written to mash some fannish buttons.
It's sort of "The Zeppo" times a thousand, in which Xander ends up a better Slayer than Buffy is.
Oh, that makes sense. Thanks!
Specifically, Barbara Gordon/Miss Parker(Pretender). In French.
When a fic starts with "With a flutter of silent noise" it's very considerate because you know there's no point reading much further.
When a fic starts with "With a flutter of silent noise" it's very considerate because you know there's no point reading much further.
Sadly, this is inappropriate feedback to the author. But it's completely true.
Or the author needs to hit the mute button. Sometimes I think there should be noise, but it's silent and it's because of the mute button. ::nods::
That's right.
Damn, that silent noise - it gets you everytime with its stealthiness.
What's sad is that the author was probably so proud of how
that line was.
A beta who is not afraid to call one out on such things is a godsend.
What's sad is that the author was probably so proud of how evocative that line was.
I can't lie--at 15, I'd have been very impressed with myself at that line. But there's a reason there's no extant samples of my work from that period.
I keep them for the horror.
I just sent 125,000 words off to beta. ::facepalm::