Well, it's a weak insistence, since my first name and last name are the same as my username. No skin off my nose.
Does anyone know what the fic landscape for Game of Thrones look like? I know there's a kink meme for it, but it's pretty dead. Is the fandom growing up around the show respecting his wishes?
I'm quite sure that fans will not respect GRRM's wishes regarding the show. Show is not novel.
That said, fandoms tend to build up best around media content with a fairly fixed formula and an appealing pair of leads. I don't see GOT having a set formula, although many of the characters are pretty. It'll be interesting to see which way the fans go.
It'll be interesting to see which way the fans go.
So far everyone likes the puppies best.
So I suspect someone linked me somewhere: this morning I got two comments on the same story, both of them going to lengths to point out that the fundamental premise was wrong.
Can anyone point me to good Hawaii 5-O fic?
Here's a few to get you started, Amy: [link] They're Steve/Danny, I don't know if you're looking for any particular ship, but these are really good ones.
That's what I want, thank you! I'm watching for the first time all the way through, and my goodness, they are quite in love. And adorable.
Yes, they are! I loves me some Steve/Danny. You might want to check out AO3 for the pairing, it's where I seem to see more of it posted. There may be LJ comms out there for it, but I've been stumbling across it via my Star Trek flist, so I don't know all the best places to find it. Someone on the crack van is reccing H5O right now, too, so you might want to watch that.
I was about to say you should check PolyRecs, but that update is sitting on my hard drive.
t sigh
Thanks! They're really too much. And very, very pretty.