I'm just thinking of all the magazines, interviews, etc. I've been peripherally exposed to where it was all "two chicks kissing, AWESOME!" whether it be TV or movies, and in the same breath there was "You made the Marlboro Man GAY!!! RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION!" So, all of the above?
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Why wouldn't Sherlock Holmes be in Ravenclaw? He doesn't seem to have the powerhunger that I see in Slytherin.
I'm just thinking of all the magazines, interviews, etc. I've been peripherally exposed to where it was all "two chicks kissing, AWESOME!" whether it be TV or movies, and in the same breath there was "You made the Marlboro Man GAY!!! RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION!" So, all of the above?
Think of it as the Male Gaze in action, Juliebird. The long-standing presumption in Western culture is: that which men find appealing is acceptable, whereas women's sexual desires are weird/outrageous/perverted. Add to that more than a bit of homophobia (you can't imagine the male characters are gay, that will make us gay!) and hypocrisy (how dare women objectify men the way men objectify women!). And add on top, like sprinkles, the idea that what women do is fundamentally of less value than what men do: so women's writing is "chicklit", and women's erotica written for other women is or should be ignored rather than paid attention to or even validated.
Why wouldn't Sherlock Holmes be in Ravenclaw? He doesn't seem to have the powerhunger that I see in Slytherin.
Someone raised that precise point to this person (Dauntdraws), and she said:
I do disagree with you regarding a Slytherin’s ambitions, though. I think ambition doesn’t necessarily mean money or power only. “Ambitious people seek to be the best at what they choose to do for attainment, power, or superiority.” Sherlock gets great enjoyment out of proving himself to be superior to the people around him. He just likes proving his intellectual superiority, in part, I think because he was probably dismissed so often as a child + young man. Snape wasn’t looking for riches or fame. Just recognition. So yeah, I think desiring the answer and breaking the rules for that answer, isn’t in honor of the knowledge (Ravenclaw) it’s to satisfy what he wants (Slytherin).
Her tumblr. I found it quite fascinating, but I think the idea of slotting everyone into four personality based houses (I was in houses in school, but I do think it was random, apart from the time I was in the house that was my last name) is horror.
My sister is on a one by one mission to open women's eyes to the idea of M/M, and it's interesting. She's in anthropology, so she encounters a thinky set of people, but it is Jamaica. Every woman I've seen her suggest "Would you like to see your husband kiss another man?" to...it was like a lightbulb going off in their heads.
No, not everyone was into it, but I was startled that it was a new idea.
I do disagree with you regarding a Slytherin’s ambitions, though. I think ambition doesn’t necessarily mean money or power only. “Ambitious people seek to be the best at what they choose to do for attainment, power, or superiority.” Sherlock gets great enjoyment out of proving himself to be superior to the people around him. He just likes proving his intellectual superiority, in part, I think because he was probably dismissed so often as a child + young man. Snape wasn’t looking for riches or fame. Just recognition. So yeah, I think desiring the answer and breaking the rules for that answer, isn’t in honor of the knowledge (Ravenclaw) it’s to satisfy what he wants (Slytherin).
Hmm. I haven't looked at her tumblr. Is she ACD-familiar? Because even when I *attempt* to separate ACD canon from BBC, she's still wrong. It's all about figuring it out, not showing people he's figured it out (that's a gift with purchase). Proving to himself that he's clever.
I think (and I'm bad with HP canon) that the idea that Sherlock needs to prove to anyone that he's clever makes it accomplishment-oriented, and therefore Slytherin. It's not about the pure acquisition of knowledge that would characterise a Ravenclaw.
I think (and I'm bad with HP canon) that the idea that Sherlock needs to prove to anyone that he's clever makes it accomplishment-oriented, and therefore Slytherin. It's not about the pure acquisition of knowledge that would characterise a Ravenclaw.
Yeah, I'm bad with HP canon, myself. I think I'm sticking (or, rather, my brain's sticking) on "ambition" in her paragraph, because I think she's twisting the definition to fit her hypothesis.
I think because he was probably dismissed so often as a child
Right, now I'm wondering if Bandom gets houses.
I know I've seen a bandom HP fic, but I can't bring it to mind.
Pete Wentz wears Gryfindor colors. He might be protesting too much...
Gerard would be in Gryffindor, Mikeyway would be in Hufflepuff, and Gabe Saporta is obviously Slytherin.
Consuela, I'm marking your post because that's probably the most concise explanation of the issues around fanfiction, and slash in particular, that I've seen. I want to keep that puppy around for reference.