There may well be some Sanctuary femslash, but I don't know enough about the show.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
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I really don't see that.
Maybe because the new girl is kind of a replacement for the dead daughter and those are the two female characters.
I don't normally care about age appropriateness, but Magnus should only be dating pool her age. Shame about the range.
I think it's not the age - but that they got rid of the daughter and immediately replaced her with annoying burgler girl. Also, because she is annoying.
For me it is about the age. I haven't seen anyone outside the five that seems appropriate for her.
Normally I'm all "cradlesnatch ahoy!" Just not this show.
The TV femmeslash pairing that leaps to mind first is Xena/Gabrielle.
Also, I seem to remember there being a fair amount of Janeway/Seven in the ST:VOY fandom.
Hopping back slightly,
You've got one guaranteed reader, Anne.
That's the sort of story I can illustrate!
Also yay! Now I just have to see if I can finish the damned thing.
Xena/Gabrielle. Of course. I never got Seven/anyone. But I didn't get Jeri Ryan until Leverage. And I was Janeway/Chakotay the whole nine yards.
Does every fandom sort their characters into Hogwarts houses? I'm just reading an amusing Bandersnatch!Sherlock is Slytherin argument elsewhere (but the same arguer puts RDJ!Holmes in Ravenclaw.
Right, now I'm wondering if Bandom gets houses.
Oh, I thought you wanted current femslash stuff.
BSG had a bit of a contingent in the day.
ita, the femmeslash plus Hogwarts houses thing reminded me of this graphic from the halfamoon comm.
Who did Starbuck sleep with? Dee? The Prez? I'm assuming she's always half of their femmeslash pairings.
Anne, those images make me wonder what house Parker would be in.