Who did Starbuck sleep with? Dee? The Prez? I'm assuming she's always half of their femmeslash pairings.
Anne, those images make me wonder what house Parker would be in.
'Just Rewards (2)'
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Who did Starbuck sleep with? Dee? The Prez? I'm assuming she's always half of their femmeslash pairings.
Anne, those images make me wonder what house Parker would be in.
What are popular femmeslash pairings out there in fannish TV? Apart from Legend of the Seeker?
Historically, there's always Buffy/Faith.
Not!Anthea/Any Female Character appears to be fairly popular in Sherlock fandom. (Seriously, I have seen Mycroft's PA paired with Harry, Molly, Sarah, Sally... basically, everyone other than Mrs Hudson. And give that last one time, for I have faith it will happen.)
Over the summer, I found a lot of (often hilarious and charming) Donna/Rose in Who fandom.
Anne, those images make me wonder what house Parker would be in.
Alas, I cannot venture a guess as I am as of yet un-Leveraged. I do hope to fix that one day.
Fix it! So worth it for the Parker!
And the Hardison.
Hell, I'll even throw in the short one with the funny hair.
(Ducks Cass.)
Speaking of Leverage, I've heard tell of Parker/Sophie. I haven't pursued it, though, as I'm usually all about Parker/Hardison, with the occasional addition of Eliot.
Sophie is so boring, though. I like her well enough onscreen, but I don't really love her paired with anyone.
I think Parker would be a Ravenclaw. Hardison, too, actually. And Eliot is a secret Gryfindor.
I saw some lovely Ariadne/Mal art (suggestive, no nudity) that made me want to root for them as a pairing, but really, there's a whole lot of nothing going on there.
A bit of Parker/Maggie would be fun. Not that I don't like Sophie and Parker together--I just have difficulty with her and people she's emotionally close to who aren't Hardison.
Sophie/Tara could work.
Most of the femmeslash I run across is in Star Trek fandom. I see a bit of Gaila/Uhura, Chapel/Rand (wrote some myself).
There's the Where No Woman New Year Exchange collection at AO3: [link] and it's spawning community: [link] Emphasis is just on the females of Star Trek, so not all stories are femmeslash, but you will find a bit.
There is one community I know of dedicated to femmeslash in Star Trek [link]
Halfamoon [link] is starting up again February 1st. It's not all femmeslash, but since the emphasis is on female characters, you find quite a bit there.
I'm bemused and puzzled that in a culture (at least in my corner) where F/F pairings are considered mainstream HOT and M/M is still icky, that the opposite seems to be true in fandoms. Is it because fandom is mostly female and/or gay and penises are YAY! ?
Right, now I'm wondering if Bandom gets houses.
Pete Wentz wears Gryfindor colors. He might be protesting too much...
Hell, I'll even throw in the short one with the funny hair.
Little black dress of fandom, baybee.