Thanks, Dana! I'll dip in a toe. Can you believe I don't have a delicious account? Heck, I don't even have multiple LJ filters, my facebook account is dormant, and I've never twittered. Technology both puzzles and intimidates me, for I are a simple sort.
Er, read that however you will.
I've got an invite too, if anyone needs it.
Now my bookmarks are getting split between Delicious and AO3, which is mildly annoying. Would be nice if there were a way to export the AO3 bookmarks to Delicious.
I admit that the hit counter and bookmark counter on AO3 are the exact type of thing to make the ficwriter in me completely neurotic... (And yes, you can turn them off)
Consuela, I'd love an invite, if you've still got it. My profile addy is good.
Sail, done; you should expect an email from the site.
Incidentally, anyone who wants an invite can sign up on the site. They work their way through the invite queue pretty fast.
Got it, Consuela! Thank you very much! I've already gotten one fic up and posted. So nice that they can import from LJ, it makes it hella easy.
I have just posted the first part of Career Change up at AOOO. The huge import of stories begins. Now I need to find a good clean text version of the files, because fixing the html from my website sucks balls.
Does anybody remember a Hogwarts/Quanum Leap story. I'm pretty sure it was gen. It was a wip when I read it so I'm not sure if it was ever finished. 5th year Harry, occlumency lessons.
Does anyone have ay recs for good podficcers, other than Fay. I have listened to all of hers, and nothing else is really living up At this point I would settle for something that doesn't totally throw me out of the story...
Well, I really liked the one that Circadienne did of one of my SPN stories, but so far as I know, she's only recorded the one.
I like Jinjur's work, and Cathexys pretty well, as well. Templemarker is good.
I have had one or two stories I had to stop listening to because the reader mispronounced too many (common) words, or because she spoke too fast/mumbled, but if the story's good, I can usually get past a number of minor infelicities.