Ah, the Gossamer days,
My first slash site, I believe. *sniff* It seems like it only yesterday that I clicked on a M/K link thinking, "Eh, slash. Krycek taking on Mulder with knives doesn't seem too OOC." And then I read the story. "You mean he . . . and Mulder . . . and they . . . ooooooooooh. Say, is there more of this?"
There was. And some of it was FG.
Gossamer, where I first began being sucked in. I was very much a Scully/Skinner girl.
My first slash site, I believe. *sniff* It seems like it only yesterday that I clicked on a M/K link thinking, "Eh, slash. Krycek taking on Mulder with knives doesn't seem too OOC." And then I read the story. "You mean he . . . and Mulder . . . and they . . . ooooooooooh. Say, is there more of this?"
There was. And some of it was FG.
...That's a beautiful post, man.
Oh, Gossamer. There was a time when I was considered a young 'un because I didn't remember before it had been in Vincent's hands.
Really, as web (and fannish) history go, Gossamer is a huge step. I mean, archiving amateurs on the internet? What can they possibly have to say that's worth remembering?
T for adventure
Er. Why not "A"?
I'm overthinking, aren't I?
No, it's a fair question. I wondered that too.
Maybe "A" was for angst.
Gossamer actually had a wizard for helping you figure out what codes to put on your story. A wizard in the computer sense, not the Gandalf sense. Although that would be cool.
"Your story must be classified MSR! You shall not pass!"
The Library of Congress catalog has a number for Demonology. I am so using this in a fic somewhere.
GR525 through GR540, FYI, with sub divisions for Witches, Sorcerers, Incantations etc. Charms, talismans, amulets etc. are further down in GR600-615.
I was recently looking at Roswell fic (although almost all the fics recommended at crack_van are at a website that seems to no longer exist)
Anyway-- they seem to have these really odd pairing names, like Candy and Dreamers. I don't know if they pre-date the Pumpkin Pie thing, though.
I'm pretty sure the Roswell stuff did. I was in that fandom for about five minutes, and every pairing had some sort of name. Max/Liz, Max/Michael, Maria/Michael, etc.
Huh. Minor epiphany. It's a lot like Smallville, isn't it? M/M is no help at all, because "M" could be anyone of three characters.