Gossamer, where I first began being sucked in. I was very much a Scully/Skinner girl.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
My first slash site, I believe. *sniff* It seems like it only yesterday that I clicked on a M/K link thinking, "Eh, slash. Krycek taking on Mulder with knives doesn't seem too OOC." And then I read the story. "You mean he . . . and Mulder . . . and they . . . ooooooooooh. Say, is there more of this?"
There was. And some of it was FG.
...That's a beautiful post, man.
Oh, Gossamer. There was a time when I was considered a young 'un because I didn't remember before it had been in Vincent's hands.
Really, as web (and fannish) history go, Gossamer is a huge step. I mean, archiving amateurs on the internet? What can they possibly have to say that's worth remembering?
T for adventure
Er. Why not "A"?
I'm overthinking, aren't I?
No, it's a fair question. I wondered that too.
Maybe "A" was for angst.
Gossamer actually had a wizard for helping you figure out what codes to put on your story. A wizard in the computer sense, not the Gandalf sense. Although that would be cool.
"Your story must be classified MSR! You shall not pass!"
The Library of Congress catalog has a number for Demonology. I am so using this in a fic somewhere.
GR525 through GR540, FYI, with sub divisions for Witches, Sorcerers, Incantations etc. Charms, talismans, amulets etc. are further down in GR600-615.
I was recently looking at Roswell fic (although almost all the fics recommended at crack_van are at a website that seems to no longer exist)
Anyway-- they seem to have these really odd pairing names, like Candy and Dreamers. I don't know if they pre-date the Pumpkin Pie thing, though.
I'm pretty sure the Roswell stuff did. I was in that fandom for about five minutes, and every pairing had some sort of name. Max/Liz, Max/Michael, Maria/Michael, etc.
Huh. Minor epiphany. It's a lot like Smallville, isn't it? M/M is no help at all, because "M" could be anyone of three characters.
...really, Fiction Alley should have a wizard. 'Cause that would be funny.
Still feeling v. ambivalent about having some of my stories there. Still sort of enjoying the feedback, and yet a few of them have me banging my head on the desk and wondering whether maybe I just prefer having a handful of readers after all. Sample feedback:
r u sure? all that dialogue was begenning to confuse me...but r u sure?....remus/snape...gahh...im not saying ur fic was bad tho!
Ahem. God, I'm such a curmudgeonly old cow.
I happened across a misplaced apostrophe in a menu at a famous coffee shop in York the other day, and was all "Eeek! Do I get my pen out?" and Mum and WeeSister stopped me. This led to a discussion of punctuation, in which my sister put forward the suggestion that we should just get rid of apostrophes.
Captain Rational abandoned my tugboat at this point, and was eaten by sharks.
However, I told her, after a shocked pause, that I still loved her.