Thanks, Dana! [makes notes]
'Life of the Party'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
bangs head on keyboard I finally thought maybe I ought to slap more of my HP fanfic up at Fiction Alley, because afaik that's sort of the HP fandom equivalent of the bfa. Right?
Oh the one hand, yay for feedback. I mean, that's why I bothered moving them, after all. Feedback is good. But, otoh, I am a terrible, terrible snob. I forget how much of a snob I am, what with the whole not-going-to-ffnet thing. But, yeah. Snob, as it turns out. And once again realising that even though I like the books, and have opinions about them, and have written the fic, and will probably write more of the fic...I don't know that I consider myself part of HP fandom.
I find myself having a sudden surge of sympathy for Robin Hobb and the other writers who just don't grok fanfic, 'cause as a writer, there are times when it's difficult to muster gratitude for the positive feedback, if the feedback seems to come from someone who's a few knuts short of a sickle. Or, you know, twelve years old.
...I mean, HP fandom apparently calls Hermione/Harry 'HMS Pumpkin Pie'. Not even a portmanteau*. A cute nom de guerre reflecting the fact that the twee little fuckers who are shipping these characters are AMERICAN. Because Harry and Hermione? Have never eaten Pumpkin Pie. You twats.
Call it HMS Spotted Dick, if you want a nice, wholesome, sweet, stodgy, comfort food dessert.
In breaking news: I am Professor Snape. But with more shampoo and stronger expletives. Get those horrible children OFF MY LAWN!
*okay, I lie. Apparently there are Harry/Hermione shippers who call their ship Harmony. Which is marginally less irritating than the frakking Pumpkin Pie thing. But mostly because I associate it with a disarming and ditzy blonde who eats people and likes shopping.
Apparently there are Harry/Hermione shippers who call their ship Harmony.
Maybe their ship can go and get itself vamped at the end of s3? Or not. Anyway, well ranted.
Call it HMS Spotted Dick, if you want a nice, wholesome, sweet, stodgy, comfort food dessert.
Thank you, Fay, for bringing my inner 12 year old to the fore on this otherwise tedious Monday afternoon. Hee.
I mean, HP fandom apparently calls Hermione/Harry 'HMS Pumpkin Pie'.
Um, why? I do not get this.
I can sort of see why they would ship them...I have thought that, at different times reading the books,although I have heard Rowling say that was not intended. Got nothing to say about the odd pie thing, though.
I can understand the impulse to ship them, and have read some H/Hr that I really enjoyed. But it's one thing to think they'd make a good couple and enjoy stories that pair them while acknowledging you're taking the story in a non-canonical direction. It's entirely another to go completely crazy when it becomes 100% obvious the canon isn't going to agree with you. Since it was only 99% obvious in the previous five books. t rolls eyes forever
In breaking news: I am Professor Snape. But with more shampoo and stronger expletives. Get those horrible children OFF MY LAWN!
This is one of the many reasons I love you so.
I mean, HP fandom apparently calls Hermione/Harry 'HMS Pumpkin Pie'.
Am I right in assuming that HP fandom is where the full-on crazy grows? I don't really know, because I only read fic that is recommended to me by people I trust. Or written by Fay.
I mean, HP fandom apparently calls Hermione/Harry 'HMS Pumpkin Pie'.
Um, why? I do not get this.
From [link]
The Tale of the HMS Pumpkin Pie
Once upon a time, there was a writer and H/H shipper named Cassandra Claire. She was in the middle of writing the fourth chapter of a story called Draco Veritas. And, being the good, H/H shipper she is, decided to post a snippet of an H/H snog on to this board. Her snog was angsty and steamy and made many of us blush.
It also kicked our muses into high gear. A call was heard all 'round the great ship H/H (as it was then known) for snoglets of any type involving our two heroes.
Many people posted and there was one (by Narri) in which our hero, Harry, coming from a feast, tasted like pumpkin pie. No one is sure why this particular tidbit or turn of phrase caught on, but it did, sweeping through the ship like pink-eye in an elementary school.
Many, *many,* of the snoglets that followed described Harry as tasting like pumpkin pie. There were even whole ficlets built around our two heroes and pumpkin pie.
In short, pumpkin pie became our unofficial mascot, until one day, after many snogs and ficlets, someone said, "Let us forthwith be called the HMS Pumpkin Pie."
And, that, my friends, is the story of the great ship, HMS Pumpkin Pie.
January, 2002
So it's like Buffy smelling like vanilla, only they named a 'ship after it. (It also occurs to me that if they don't have pumpkin pie in England, the whole concept should be a nonstarter.)
Well, they do drink pumpkin juice in HP.