What is up with fanfiction awards anyway? A story I wrote nearly two years ago got nominated for something. When I went to check out what it was all about, I was a bit skeeved to see some of the other stuff that was being nominated. Très weird.
Angelus ,'Smile Time'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
What is up with fanfiction awards anyway?
I try not to worry about them, too much, though I'm always a little giddy when I'm nominated. Of course, she says with her tres sophisticated hat on, they're all just popularity contests. Except the ones where you win, where they're havens of discerning taste and appreciative minds.
Polyamorous has a bunch, unless you've read all of them already.
First place I looked, believe me, thanks. And it led me some of my favorite stories, too. It was a happy thing to learn that Basingstoke, Shallott, and Miriam Heddy were writing House.
No, "Hilson" showed up on one of the lj House fic communities.
Oh, and in serendipidous news, I just ran across a lovely rant on portmanteau naming (House specific) on my flist. [link]
Apparently some folks are using "Wilouse" which sounds like someone needs to buy the special shampoo and boil their bedding.
I like 'Clex', because it sounds like 'flex' and 'sex' and 'perplex' and I love the fact that you sort of lick the word as you're saying it. And Tom Welling inadvertently yells it in Club Zero.
Other than that, not a big fan of Portmanteaus.
(Well, except the ST:TOS portmanteaus Kock and Spork, which nobody uses but which keep right on being funny as hell.)
Yeah, Clex sort of works for me, too. Plus, as you say, canon now. Spuffy? Wilouse? Not so much.
Clex is great. In all ways.
It's the one that can stay when we nuke the rest from orbit. I say, as one who decided Spred was the funniest thing in the world for about five minutes, and has no room to talk. (And, hey, am now almost as amused at D'iana, so again with the no room.)
It was a happy thing to learn that Basingstoke, Shallott, and Miriam Heddy were writing House.
Make sure to check out elynross too. She had a story posted in her LJ that didn't make the last update. (Next one, I swear.) And Kass.
Nope, I give in. Whodat?
Thanks, Dana! [makes notes]