I got to meet her at last year's Worldcon -- very excited for her book(s). Would someone remind me of her professional writing name so that I can ask for her books the right way?
'Life of the Party'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Theo, Fay linked to the novel's livejournal upthread. All of the info is there.
I will fangirl her shamelessly, I expect.
What Dana said. She's warm and nice and brilliant, and I have often helplessly asked, "Is there anything you can't do?"
I want to be her when I grow up.
Amusing House/Joan of Arcadia crossover.
What do you do when you can't get a plot bunny out of your head, but you have no idea when or how you're going to write it? 'Cause ever since I re-read the latest Harry Potter book, I've been unable to get the idea of writing "The Doctors Granger and the Rotfang Conspiracy" out of my head. Darn you, Luna Lovegood!
Now I have to try and figure out when I'll have time to write this, and how the heck I'm going to do humor (I've only written angsty LotR fanfic before).
What do you do when you can't get a plot bunny out of your head, but you have no idea when or how you're going to write it?
Personally, I take notes and then try and fight it off. Usually I lose, but at least I do then write something.
Oh, good, I'm on the right (write?) track, then. Before I left work last night, I typed up a brief outline of what should happen in the first chapter, and then saved it and turned off the computer. Hopefully, that'll feed the bunny until I go on vacation next week!
While looking for House/Wilson fic, I ran across the name combo of "Hilson". I suppose it beats "Wouse". Still, I'm initially reading it as "Hilton" and thinking "Paris Hilton, WFT?" which in turn is giving me flashbacks to Hugh Laurie's various drag scenes, and that's really not where I'd planned on my mind going with most House/Wilson stories.
While looking for House/Wilson fic, I ran across the name combo of "Hilson".
I'm pretty sure I've never seen this before, and probably because I don't go very far afield in my search for House/Wilson. Polyamorous has a bunch, unless you've read all of them already.
What is up with fanfiction awards anyway? A story I wrote nearly two years ago got nominated for something. When I went to check out what it was all about, I was a bit skeeved to see some of the other stuff that was being nominated. Très weird.