Didn't listen to the radio show, but did read her comments on it. Lee Goldberg apparently said exactly what I would expect him to say regarding fanfic.(I'm on a mystery listserv and a few months back the subject of fanfic came up, which led to Mr. Goldberg's rant in several parts about how awful it is.)
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Lee Goldberg, eh?
He's a wonder, that man. It seems to me that he must be insecure & unhappy with his whole writing-professional-fanfic gig, to be so foamingly anti-fanfic. He is at such pains to say "this isn't what I do! this is bad and disgusting and not art, not creative, not valid! But what I do is different!!!" It's pitiful, in a way.
Or maybe it's simpler than that. Maybe it's just that the existence of free fanwritten fanfic makes him fret that his own income is at risk? But, really, it's not like there's an enormous fanwriting community for Diagnosis Murder, or what have you, is it?
an original novel coming out
Yup. She says it's up on Amazon now, too. Yay her! And it looks fantastic. It's actually the first of a trilogy.
It is fantastic.
t /smug
t jealous
That tag will not close until I have a copy of Temeraire in my hot little hands. I loved the chapter I saw, though. She's so frelling talented.
Damn you, wee Dana!
shakes tiny fist
Yes, the teaser chapter was delicious. I can't get over how excited I am for her, given that she's someone I know only at a remove, through their fic. I mean, she doesn't know me from Adam, but I'm all Go Team!
I get to meet her next month! t dances
I will fangirl her shamelessly, I expect. It's funny -- if I "know" someone, even if I think they're fantastic, I don't fangirl them. But if I don't have some kind of relationship with them, I end up all squealy and fangirly and it's just bad.
Look, turtles!
It'll be easy. She's possibly the nicest person in the world.
I know what you mean, Consuela. Objectively I think Joss and Tim aren't all that far apart in the brilliance of their writing, but I could chat more or less at ease with Tim on those rare occasions when we've met in person whereas being anywhere near Joss turns me into a babbling moron.
Woot! Clicking the wrong link on someone's flashfiction just led me to read "Intersections" from Kaneko's website. Talk about your happy accidents...
I got to meet her at last year's Worldcon -- very excited for her book(s). Would someone remind me of her professional writing name so that I can ask for her books the right way?