Hee. Sorry. When I saw Dana's first post, I just though, "Fandom is so geeky. And I totally knew what she was talking about. Such a geek."
But, you know, no more arcane than sports knowledge.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Hee. Sorry. When I saw Dana's first post, I just though, "Fandom is so geeky. And I totally knew what she was talking about. Such a geek."
But, you know, no more arcane than sports knowledge.
...ooooh, shit. Pegasus B. This is going to take quite some time to catch up with, isn't it? And I am already So. Sucked. In.
I keep starting... and then despairng of how much there is already and how I could never possibly catch up. And then starting again. Vicious cycle, I tells ya'.
...I've just realised how MANY stories there are in PegasusB.
I've read four. There are at least 151 more to go.
Ha! Well, keep in mind that it's not a series in the sense that you have to start at the beginning and read to the end; there are some smaller series within, but it's not like you can't skip around.
Admittedly, I haven't checked back in a while, but a scary proportion of them were very, very good last time I checked. Oh, and Pegasus: Ba'al is lovely and plotty.
...read a couple of dozen so far. I'm finding this terribly addictive, and generally good writing, but (and I suspect I'm going to be shot down in flames here), I can't help but notice that some writers are making the guys a little bit more like 13 year old girls than is strictly needful. A little bit. And much as I love teh slash, I have reservations about making everyone as gay as Christmas.
But the story with the piss taking scientists and the sudden burst of 'I could have danced all night' was fabulous.
Cutie fic story. One of the scientists here read my outline and said, "have you ever heard of fan fiction?"
I said, "why, yes. yes i have heard of fan fiction."
He said, "My daughter writes Newsies fan fiction. I had no idea what she was talking about. There's this whole other world, then?"
And so, that was adorable.
A couple dozen? Damn, you're fast. Well, and I'm an admittedly slow reader - reading fast makes me edgy.
There's this whole other world, then?
I remember thinking that very thing.
I can't help but notice that some writers are making the guys a little bit more like 13 year old girls than is strictly needful.
Oh man, speaking of, the last story I read at SGA_flashfiction was almost entirely focused on a Major Carter that was striking back at the much more brilliant and capable (or so Sam posited in the story!) Rodney McKay in jealously petty fashion rather similar to what bitchy high school cheerleaders do to their rivals. And the writer thanked her beta for helping her make Carter sound LESS like a 13-year-old girl.
I suspect her original draft had Sam at the big departure scene in "Rising" yelling "Get out! Get Out! GET OUT!!!" at the top of her lungs...