Remember during the "giving him something real" scene, when most of the crowd was screaming "MY EYES!!!" and running for the Lethe's bramble and we were hi-fiving each other that the writers had just put up an insurmountable obstacle to A/C?
Oh, hell yeah.
Honestly, the A/C block put into place by C/C is probably the reason it's one of the Best Canon Ships Ever in my book.
plus I thought it was hawt
It was
Yes. Go Team Cordy, shagging the feral Peter Pan boychild.
I wasn't that crazy about the pairing in its own right, but you don't so much mind that someone parks illegally if it saves you from the piano that would have fallen on you otherwise.
Having downloaded this vid, I find that I could watch Rodney McKay say
again and again and again and again and again.
I haven't seen the vid but the whole exchange with Rodney and John and Elizabeth is great.
"I shot him!" The absolute glee in John's voice.
It was fun. I completely didn't feel the slash until I caught that scene in repeats.
Has anyone written Shawn/Jordan 4400 fic yet? It SO has to be out there.