I wasn't that crazy about the pairing in its own right, but you don't so much mind that someone parks illegally if it saves you from the piano that would have fallen on you otherwise.
'Never Leave Me'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Having downloaded this vid, I find that I could watch Rodney McKay say Invulnerable again and again and again and again and again.
I haven't seen the vid but the whole exchange with Rodney and John and Elizabeth is great.
"I shot him!" The absolute glee in John's voice.
It was fun. I completely didn't feel the slash until I caught that scene in repeats.
Has anyone written Shawn/Jordan 4400 fic yet? It SO has to be out there.
Bright Shiny Objects has just been updated with heck of a lot of stories, but alas, no Shawn/Jordan. Sorry, Lyra Jane.
Does The 4400 have a fandom? I know I'm watching, and a couple of folks on my Flist on LJ, but I haven't seen anyone fannish enough to commit fic yet.
Anne, that was a lovely little story. Thanks for the rec!
Thanks, Anne. Crossovers are often, well... sucky, and there was suck potential in the setup of this one. But I really liked it.
Sniff. Allergies.
Heh. One of my favorite sites is one that specializes in crossovers. It's called Twisting the Hellmouth. Some very good BtVS/SG1 crossovers. Even some BtVS/Firefly fic. Give it a shot, you might find something you like.