Isn't it? And it's MunchenKay shipper fic, too. But the saddest thing is, that archive is untended and I was never able to give the author the props I wanted to. I still feel bad about it(I'm a Bayliss's what we do) Two years later. The moral is: check in with your darlings so people can give you the strokes you deserve. I think it influenced my fic, not tonally for I am a jester at heart, but most definitely lengthwise...I write long because "Adena 1950 was long!" and it was probably the tenth fic I ever any fandom. Ever. So that's why you can count my fic by the pound, although very little approaches the gift that is "Adena..."Although that and Bitchy Fic were my first clue that fic could be written for other than "so hott!" I bet some of you wish I'd discovered the drabble first. :)
Kaylee ,'Shindig'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I'd love to hear you tell me you're reading the N'Sync Pern AU, because I know it's out there.
Apart from the N'Sync part and the fact that I have yet to catch up in the whole Pern-reading area, I wish it was this, too. Actually it's Star Wars; Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan at the moment, but I'm ploughing through because I've been promised that there are other pairings as well.
Anybody know any good archives or recs lists or whatever for Star Wars original trilogy (and possibly expanded universe - novels and comics) fic? I may have severed all ties with the prequels in my head, but I still love the original universe oh so much.
Just read Yahtzee's two Leia/Han vignettes. They made me cry. Lovely.
Oh, lordie. Queenofthorns and Meyerlemon are writing a totally crack-brained genderfucked pirate AU. For BSG.
t snickers I love fandom.
SGA is like the fandom that ate my brain and I haven't seen a single episode.
Damn it.
Aaaanyway, I have a question: what is the difference between R and NC17?
For me? The detail lavished on whatever the adult behavior in question is. Generally when applied to movies, this means sex; I'm not sure anything's ever gotten NC-17 for violence, though I can certainly imagine fic that I'd label that way. (I wouldn't write it, but I can imagine it.) So lyrical-but-specific description of sex might be R, whereas a raunchier description would be NC-17.
I'm not sure anything's ever gotten NC-17 for violence
Kill Bill Volume 1 was headed in that direction at one point. It's one of the major reasons the 100 Ninjas vs. Uma scene is in black and white - it was, originally, supposed to be in color, but it was deemed too bloody. Apparently, silver blood is more acceptable than red.
So lyrical-but-specific description of sex might be R, whereas a raunchier description would be NC-17.
Yes, this. I think, if the sex happens onscreen, it's R: if all the parts are named, it's NC-17. *g*
To me, NC-17 is step-by-step descriptions of sex with full descriptions of fluids and anatomy. R doesn't have to be lyrical (ie, poetic), but there's more of a focus on the personal interaction and less on the hydraulics. I've seen some violence I'd call NC-17: careful descriptions of torture or dismemberment and such.
Anybody know any good archives or recs lists or whatever for Star Wars original trilogy (and possibly expanded universe - novels and comics) fic?
I need a macro that says "Have you checked the crack_van recs?"