Hee. I've read LoP et cetera, as well as Phoenix Burning. In fact, just re-read them both (all of the AJ Hall stuff, in fact). But your taste is excellent, so I'll be checking out the others.
If you didn't notice that I've already read it, I'm disappointed that you didn't pimp yourself, though. Because Invisible to See was fab and you should always pimp it. I do. I've turned friends to fic with it, actually.
And thanks for the Buffyverse links, Plei and Deena. I'll be looking at those too.
I made Fay blush. =)
Now reading Tissue of Silver on my palm pilot. I'll be away for a while doing that. Thanks for the recs, everybody!
I'll draw special attention to the Rheanna/Yahtzee joint effort Splinter, which was like reading an episode script to me.
David, try connie's stuff:
hee. Please to note, the main splash page of my website was designed by the lovely Deena, as well as the page banners that involve pictures.
For long Harry Potter, try Resonant's "Transfigurations", which totally did not make me cry in my car as I sat there, reading it on my lunch break.
And, you know, the rest of her stuff.
Also, I have no idea if Gilmore Girls even *has* novel-length fics. At least, good ones.
Also, I have no idea if Gilmore Girls even *has* novel-length fics. At least, good ones.
Actually, I read a series of false scripts (5 or 6 of them) on a GG slash archive somewhere that ended in Paris/Rory at some point. AU season 4 I guess (or, rather, AU after-Season-3). I liked them, I'll see if I can find them again.
ETA: It's [link] and the author's name is Rocky. They were pretty decent, often quite funny. Most of the other stuff in the archive I didn't love as much, though there were some short Paris/Rory gems. I think Paris/Rory is my OTP.
Heavens, a link for Invisible to See wasn't given. It must be pimped again. I like it even more than A.J. Hall's stuff.
Roseveare needs to finish Inertia, her incredible Birthdayverse fic. Damn it.
Also, Fay's Sick Rose (link, Fay?) Dru and Spike fic is perfection.