'Suela, that was a ... special link. Bless you for it. I think I hurt myself laughing.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
So fantastic.
It really was.
Over the sound of furious typing they heard Ash mutter, "I don't know why would they put the holes in ‘em if they didn't want you to use 'em to-"
Dean slapped his hands over his ears. "Oh God, Sam, I’m not listening to this. I’m not… la la la la la la la la."
And this is the point where I started laughing out loud.
Ashpuppet, Ashpuppet, Ashpuppet...
I have a question about posting lengthy stories. I'm currently planning to post something lengthy (if I can beat the last two chapters out of myself) and and trying to strategize: 25 posts of 1 chapter each? 4-5 posts of several chapters? Should I totally play feedback whore and post three chapters a day or something?
(That last, excepting WIPs, which I don't care for either, always strikes me as obviously manipulative.)
Aesthetically and dramatically, I'm tending in the 25-posts direction, but as a reader, I know that occasionally eyeballs roll out of heads at such a muchness being made out of a story.
How long are the chapters? And are they structured so that they work serially, i.e. there's plot issues whose suspension will heighten the enjoyment for the reader with enough immediate payoff not to feel rooked?
(i.e. see Lost and Jack's tattoo episode for how not to do this.)
I personally like a good serial experience, especially when I know that I have a reasonable expectation of a work being finished and well. Which is probably why I find my experience of Heroes parallels that to Whedonverse shows.
I can understand the writer wanting to do serial, but as a reader it really diminishes the way I read a story. I almost always wait for all the parts to be posted (if I remember to read it then, because sometimes I forget--strike that--often I forget to go back and read something posted serially), or want all the parts to be accessible at once, or, *ideally* to have the entire thing available to me in one single formatted document, ie a single html file, that I can read in one sitting and bookmark and/or read offline without being stymied for not having to save/find/log on to find all the parts.
So I guess I would say, if you're going to serialize, have a single-file doc at the end, or offer it from the beginning in a single-file doc.
So I guess I would say, if you're going to serialize, have a single-file doc at the end, or offer it from the beginning in a single-file doc.At the very least, add a link to the next chapter at the end of each. Which? Personal ish, I know. But the easier the click-thru, the happier the me. Reading just one document is good too.
Another voice saying that I tend not to read something unless all parts are available. So I try to remember to go back later to see if everything's been posted, and I even started to keep a file for myself of stories to go back and check on, but.... I'm sure I've missed things.