Yeah, okay, I didn't realize you were on that filter too. And yeah, sketch is a good word for it.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Syne and I kicked it old-school, popslash style. It was a pleasant surprise when she went the way of Stargate.
Oh, as usual, dear. Ash has a fetish. t snorfles helplessly
That was damn special.
*Sporfle!* That's. Oh, still breathless from laughing. Hee!
It is to laugh. Although, I kinda want to scrub my brain out with bleach at the thought of Ash and his...just don't wanna go there.
Oh no. Don't. (snerk)
I just loved that Sam knew what to call Ash's issue. Someone knows all about the Geek Hierarchy, don't you, Sam.
Since you can point at clothing- and jewelry-making being offered on the exact same basis, I think a legal attack might be hard to justify/prosecute.
How does the parallel make it more difficult?
'Suela, that was a ... special link. Bless you for it. I think I hurt myself laughing.