I'm bemused that there would be a proliferation of Ellen/Sam. Or at least - that there would be more Ellen/Sam than Ellen/Dean. But whatever.
Sweet Charity
....um, this looks like a lot of fun, but isn't it straying perilously close to selling fanfiction?
I mean, no, obviously the writers
personally profiting from the fiction. But the fiction is still being exchanged for currency, albeit said currency is being passed on to a charity.
I find that a bit worrisome. Because I think that keeping very clearly away from the fanfic-for-cash thing is the best strategy to keep The Man off our collective backs. And I really don't WANT The Man on our collective backs. In any but a porny way.
...am I being unreasonably paranoid?
Or SA, but she is to me as Nestra is to Shrift, so I probably don't really *need* to bid on her.
You are of course right. But people are still bidding for me! Like £25 pounds! That's so exciting.
...am I being unreasonably paranoid?
Perhaps. I mean, fandom has been putting charity auctions together for awhile, and one of the more recent ones was the quite massive and popular one post-Katrina. Besides that, it isn't fanfiction for cash--there's no profit being made here. It's offering a service for a donation, which I think is fundamentally different from selling fanfiction. Fanfiction isn't being sold. A service is offered following a donation, and that service may or may not be fanfiction.
It's not like this Fanlib.net business.
Since you can point at clothing- and jewelry-making being offered on the exact same basis, I think a legal attack might be hard to justify/prosecute.
SA, what do you know about Fanlib.net? A friend of mine just had an encounter with them, and they seem... odd.
You mean other than what Syne posted? Not much, though I checked out the site (whatI could access, anyway),and it looks about as sketch as the TOS reads.
Yeah, okay, I didn't realize you were on that filter too. And yeah, sketch is a good word for it.
Syne and I kicked it old-school, popslash style. It was a pleasant surprise when she went the way of Stargate.
Oh, as usual, dear. Ash has a fetish.
t snorfles helplessly
*Sporfle!* That's. Oh, still breathless from laughing. Hee!