Aha, it's on the front page: [link]
Hee. That's the one place I didn't look.
I can answer any FAQ though.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Aha, it's on the front page: [link]
Hee. That's the one place I didn't look.
I can answer any FAQ though.
Well, sure, right there on the front page. How did they expect us to see that ?
(Yes, Lee and I both missed it. While sitting on my couch. For, lo, there is not enough caffeine in us still. Or spicy brains. Our brains are unspiced.)
OK, the irony of all the writers offering Dean/Sam for a charity auction that benefits Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network? Not lost on me.
Rest assured that you are not the only one.
Ooh, ooh! I could buy Mely and make her write Fullmental Alchemist!
Mely also has meta up for auction.
I have a strong desire to buy Mely.
Or SA, but she is to me as Nestra is to Shrift, so I probably don't really *need* to bid on her.
I imagine once people realize it's her, she'll quickly move out of my bidding price range.
That's okay, though, because I honestly don't know what I would have her write if I won.
I'd like to get another good SGA story from her before the fandom loses her talents to SPN forever, but the asking price is already on the verge of what I can talk myself into spending as mad money.
Oh, she won't be in SPN forever, believe me. I mean, she was in Wiseguy and Entourage in between SGA and SPN. She goes whoosh whoosh whoosh.
Man, I'm so tempted to bid for Charmax or LithiumDoll, and have them choose from my "vids I'd make if I could" list from that meme a couple of weeks ago. And LD has Dexter listed as one of her fandom! Oooh.
1 British pound = 1.9279 U.S. dollar
For people like me, who did not know that until just now.
Hee. There's a $6000.00 bid on someone on Sweet Charity. I think someone lost a decimal point. I'm amused by envisioning the flailing on both ends.