Hee. There's a $6000.00 bid on someone on Sweet Charity. I think someone lost a decimal point. I'm amused by envisioning the flailing on both ends.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Yeah, I imagine I would be having a panic attack right now if someone bid $6000 on me.
Damn. If your favorite fandom is an obscure one, you might be able to pay the actors to perform your story request for that kind of moolah.
Damn, if I'd only known that fans could offer up knitting or betas, I would have signed up as a donor. I'll have to console myself by bidding for a custom vid....
There's a way to change the pounds to dollars but, um, now that I've done it I can't remember where the option was.
ETA:: Change the country at the top of the right navbar to "USA" to change the currency. Or, you know, you could keep it in pounds. Makes it look like you're spending less.
Huh. I just read an Ellen/Sam SPN fic. I have to say it just didn't work for me. I think I spent too much time fighting the image in my head.
Ellen and Sam ?
No. That's just not right.
No, it should be Ellen/Dean. And then it has to acknowledge the weird. For me. And then? Well, yeah, that can work for me in a fic.
I was going to say the same thing.
Dean/Ellen can be hot.
There's a fair amount of Ellen/Sam.
I haven't actually read any of it. But there's a fair amount. See it on the newsletter all the time.