I wish S2 Dark Angel had a different title than the first season, because it very much is a very different show, since the different (and much more talented) producers brought in a lot of different supporting cast and complicated the plot and made things very much better. Not to mention, Ackles.
'Harm's Way'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I don't remember the author, but its SPN gen (looked there), post IMToD. The boys are staying with Bobby, use a spell and a golem to send Dean into hell to bring back John. It works, but he's comatose, so they set him up at Bobby's and take shifts watching him, tending to IVs, feeding tube, bed-changing, etc. Dean starts to feel they got him out of hell, that's enough, and they should let him go, pull the plug. Bobby and Sam want to wait and give it time. And one day John's eyes pop open. Sam, thinking it's an unconscious reflex, closes them. They reopen, and then cross, and John puffs up his cheeks and sticks out his tongue...
Oh, I've read this, which means it's probably on esorecs or one or two other places--lemme look.
Eta: darn- didn't see it on my first go round. I'll keep trying though.
or am iPod?
Not a pod person, I hope.
Thanks, Lee. I've gone through Delicious and found Oh! so many new-to-me stories, and back several months through spn_gen on LJ. If I could remember the author it would help a lot.( sh'yeah!) I've also back-surfed through about eight likely suspects, finding more good stuff along the way. But no luck yet. I'll keep at it, too.
Looking in esorecs made it clear there's some stuff there I missed and need to go read at some point, once I get all the way through my mountain of fic.
I've read that one, too, but I have no idea who it was by.
I've also read it. I also have NO clue.
Morgana, feedback has no rules! Which rules!
Sometimes I manage to be clever or at least creative, (err, like the time on Feedback Friday on Silverlake when I was very tipsy and gave everything I'd read that week a rating based on Naked Paul Gross) but usually, it's just flailing and "well done!"
Also, I like Max. I know I'm alone in this, but I like Max.
I wholeheartedly agree, Theo, on S2 DA. It's like they suddenly knew how to make a tv show or something.
I'm on the fence about Max, actually. She sort of...fills that space, for me. Adequately.
Also, I like Max. I know I'm alone in this, but I like Max.
Dude you're not alone. I love her.
I feel alone in my Max-love when I read DA fic, I tell you what. She's such a little girl lost, and she loves *so* much.
I also like Normal. Bip bip bip, people.