In the Boxed Sets discussion Beverly said "Heh. I continue to be giddy as more good writers fall to the thrall of SPN. Oddly, I seem incapable of writing a line of fiction anymore. But I read like a mofo, and I try to give decent feedback, just to pay my way in fandom."
Which got me to thinking, and I opened a Live Journal account of my very own. Because I've been devouring obscene amounts of SPN fanfic over the past two weeks or so, and I'd like to leave feedback for some of them. I've felt reticent, being new to this aspect of the fandom and all, but some of these stories are just really great. Are there general etiquette guidelines? For instance, I notice frequently people repost particular lines of dialogue that they like. A lot of the feedback is more or less the written equivalent of a pat on the back, but now and again you see a paragraph or two that's more thought out.
And most of the feedback seems to be dated soon after the story is first posted.... there's really no reason I can't add to the chorus several months later, is there?
Not at all. One of the best things about publishing your fic on livejournal is that people tend to find it weeks, months, sometimes years later; and you get a comment on something you forgot about, or that they really liked. Feedback is king.
Jilli's going to disown the three of us about half an hour after we start talking about Dark Angel, isn't she?
For reasons in no way attached to
honestly, no,, well, okay, yeah, largely for Shallow And Obvious Reasons, I bought Season 2 of
Dark Angel
the other day. I quite enjoyed getting to fill in the blanks (having caught episodes of the show haphazardly, mostly from Season 1 but with a couple of S2 eps too) and from time to time I did have little attacks of 'Seattle! Look! Pretend Seattle! Where Jeeves and the Family Von Squeakaboo live! Sort of! Whilst really being Vancouver, which is even BETTER!'
Er. Yeah, well, anyway - I realised that, writing notwithstanding, I enjoy lots of things about the show. Just...not Jessica Alba. But I like most all of the supporting actors
and I adore Normal. Although I may well be the only person in the world who...oh, who am I kidding? The Supernatural Wiki had a special heading for Yak Sex. I'm not the only person who loves on Normal. Anyway, yeah -
The Berresford Agenda (or The Bereford Brief, or The Berrisford Conspiracy,
or whatever the hell it was called) was hilariously button-pushing. Gotta love that whole 'hmm...
let's take the preternaturally beautiful roguewithaheartofgold bloke and drop him in a vat of angsty woobiesauce. With glasses. And swimming. And piano playing' mindset. It was like they wanted to get him onto every page of Provocateuse all in one episode.
(....but, but, why was his sweet wee object of angsty lurve buried with a headstone that didn't give her surname? Or date of birth/death? Or who her dad was? Or, you know, ANYTHING that a rich and doting dad might have thought to include?...)
Other than that - LOVE Normal, love Cindy, like EyesOnly Bloke well enough, like Joshua a lot, remember liking Herbal (David from
and some blonde roommate chick back in Season 1, am well disposed to Sketchy and like S1W Blonde Not!Logan'sGirlfriend person much more than Max...but I just can't get away from the fact that Max is the most irritating pouty, whiny, joyless Grrlpower supermoppet that I have Ever. Seen. My God. Oh, woe, my life sucks! Oh, woe, nobody understands my pain! Oh, woe, I am a mutant freak! Oh, woe, I cannot shag my boyfriend! Oh, woe, I
shag my boyfriend, but I choose not to because, er, I'd rather do something else until my Window Of Shag disappears. Oh, woe, NOBODY UNDERSTANDS MY ANGSTY TEENAGE PAIN!!!
Sweet Baby Jesus, but she's annoying. And notwithstanding my predisposition towards fancying brunettes, she does
for me, so I can't even overlook the crapness of the acting/writing and appreciate her ass.
However, happily Alec pops up lots of the time. And sometimes he is shirtless in a cage. Which makes up for
A Lot.
(And there's the fun game of Spot-the-Vancouver-SciFi-actors, of course. Blimey, lots of BSG representin'! And a bit of
...hang on, what do you mean this
the Talk About
Dark Angel
::slinks away sheepishly::
Morgana! Damn, sorry, I meant to add that reading your posts about the joy of falling into fanfic warmed the cockles of my wee fangirl heart. As to feedback - yeah, writing comments on LJ is v. cool - I still randomly get comments from time to time on stories I wrote
ago via LJ and/or email, and it always just makes my day. (And if you really love something, taking time to write a detailed FB about why it worked for you is like THE BEST THING EVER. imho. ymmv.)
I'm not the only person who loves on Normal.
No, you're not. I agree on the Max stuff too.
I am Fay. As regards feedback, anyway. I'd love to be Fay in many other ways, but alas I am not wonderful enough for that.
No, you're not. I agree on the Max stuff too.
My sistah!
I am Fay.
am Fay!....or am I Spartacus? ...or am I Claudius? ....or am iPod? Or...
::head explodes::
And most of the feedback seems to be dated soon after the story is first posted.... there's really no reason I can't add to the chorus several months later, is there?
None at all. I recently came under the thrall of SGA, and I've been hitting up the rec lists like a mofo, leaving feedback on stuff that's been up for over a year in some cases. Folks seem pretty thrilled to know that other people are continuing to read their stuff.
Hi Fay! I have a suspicion that Jensen Ackles had the childhood everybody dreams of. His parents raised him to be softspoken and polite, helpful, thrifty, brave and true.* I ran across an old interview from when he was--what, twelve? where he was asked if he was stranded on a desert island, would he choose Simpson, Biel, or Alba. And he gallantly replied, "Gotta be the former co-star."
- this is based on nothing but an observed sort of behavior familiar to southern families, and should in no wise be construed as anything other than the sheerest moonshine of opinion.
I am sort of embarrassed to appeal to the thread for help. I've been trying to mark and add to memory stories that I know I'll want to read again, but one seems to have slipped through the cracks, and I hope someone here has read it and can point the way. I've spent three days trying to find it.
I don't remember the author, but its SPN gen (looked there), post IMToD. The boys are staying with Bobby, use a spell and a golem to send Dean into hell to bring back John. It works, but he's comatose, so they set him up at Bobby's and take shifts watching him, tending to IVs, feeding tube, bed-changing, etc. Dean starts to feel they got him out of hell, that's enough, and they should let him go, pull the plug. Bobby and Sam want to wait and give it time. And one day John's eyes pop open. Sam, thinking it's an unconscious reflex, closes them. They reopen, and then cross, and John puffs up his cheeks and sticks out his tongue...
Anybody? Holli's story made me think of it, and I sort of want to file them together, if I can find it again.