Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Yay! ::notes Lee on list::
Me too, if you like, Plei.
What's realistic? Post something ficcish every two weeks? Every Monday? It's really to get my ass back writing on a regular basis, rather than in fits and starts.
I have unofficially ordered myself to produce a minimum of 1-2 stories a month this year. I have ficathons with deadlines in February and March, so I'm set there. I just have to figure out how to keep it going the rest of the year.
(...but I'd definitely want Angel to be an ancestor of Seeley's - which is perfectly plausible canonically. Unexplained gosh-they-look-so-alike things irritate me.)
Just for you, Fay: [link]
Not the most well-written, but it does have Angel as Seeley's ancestor.
also, I'll need a beta for a wee bit of SPN non-smutty het soon. err. john/missouri. so... if anyone's willing, let me know.::raises hand::
Except now I am earskeeved with "I'm a beta, you're a beta, wouldn't 'cha like to be a beta too." And it is KILLING ME.
The IO package showed up today! So we're going to start watching 2x01 in about 15-20 minutes.
... or not. The DVD isn't working in either machine. Boo! (In fact, Pete had to turn the Sampo off, and then power it back up, to get it to eject the disc. Boo!)
... or not. The DVD isn't working in either machine. Boo! (In fact, Pete had to turn the Sampo off, and then power it back up, to get it to eject the disc. Boo!)
Well, huh.
Worked in ours. Curses. And in Sean and Lisa's, though that was a different disc.
Hmm. Did the ones Paul authored through the Mac work on your machine? I may have him make you a new version that way.
Hmm. Did the ones Paul authored through the Mac work on your machine? I may have him make you a new version that way.
The Hogfather DVDs? They worked fine.
Booth saying he doesn't have Irish ancestry, Angel being sure he killed everybody, Spike pointing at Booth and saying, "I think you missed one, Peaches," Booth saying the resemblance wouldn't be so strong 250 years later, Brennan pointing at both of them and raising an eyebrow, Hodgins in full X-Files mode about what else might be hidden from the world . . .
whimper . . .