... or not. The DVD isn't working in either machine. Boo! (In fact, Pete had to turn the Sampo off, and then power it back up, to get it to eject the disc. Boo!)
Well, huh.
Worked in ours. Curses. And in Sean and Lisa's, though that was a different disc.
Hmm. Did the ones Paul authored through the Mac work on your machine? I may have him make you a new version that way.
Hmm. Did the ones Paul authored through the Mac work on your machine? I may have him make you a new version that way.
The Hogfather DVDs? They worked fine.
Booth saying he doesn't have Irish ancestry, Angel being sure he killed everybody, Spike pointing at Booth and saying, "I think you missed one, Peaches," Booth saying the resemblance wouldn't be so strong 250 years later, Brennan pointing at both of them and raising an eyebrow, Hodgins in full X-Files mode about what else might be hidden from the world . . .
whimper . . .
1-2 stories per month sounds good. I wish I could keep to that myself. I signed up for femslash and remix out of loyalty, so at least I have those coming.
(...but I'd definitely want Angel to be an ancestor of Seeley's - which is perfectly plausible canonically. Unexplained gosh-they-look-so-alike things irritate me.)
identical cousins all the way.
One pair of matching bookends,
Different as night and day.
Well, personally, I can imagine Liam getting some girl pregnant and the family shipping the girl off somewhere else thus explaining how she escapes the massacre.
Or, he gets one of the maidservants pregnant, Liam's family turns her out and she takes to the road and winds up somewhere else.
Okay, now I need to see a story where the girl goes to Liam's house to tell him she's pregnant and whatever will she do and her family will turn her out into the streets! and then finds the whole family dead and Liam missing. Get right on that Connie, if you will?
Get right on that Connie, if you will?
Back, plot bunnies, back!
t but I can see that working so well . . . darn you, Deena . . .
edit: the prologue with appropriate date as it would appear on the page just popped into my head. Bugger.
t giving in
What year did Liam, aheam, bite the big one? 1750?
edit: Deena, it's your fault, now I need an lj icon with Angel and Booth in profile glaring at each other.