Isn't it just a wonderful crackfic? I want to pet it, and name it George.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
King George.
What? He was mad, it fits.
...entirely out of the blue, and apropos of nothing, as I was in my bunk falling asleep last night I found myself craving, of all the random things, Girl!Xander fic. Sticky, unexpected, potentially meaningful Girl!Xander/Willow, segueing almost accidentally into Girl!Xander/Spike. Rather angry, thoroughly filthy, Season 6, post-Hells Bells, post Spike/Buffy, post Spike/Anya, with an awful lot of baggage and mutual antagonism Yeah. Anyway. There was hotness.
So presumably, fandom being what it is, somebody somewhere has already written this?
I know of Girl!Xander with Boy!Anya fic. It also includes Boy!Buffy and Girl!Spike. Lots of smut ensues. Will it suffice until you find exactly what you're looking for?
Sail, thanks bunches for that link. Awesome story.
I thought it was excellent, myself. I'm going to have to go back when I have time and see what else she's got hidden. I found the story through a link in someone else's lj, so I wouldn't have found it my own, either. Following fandoms can get quite convoluted, particularly with crossovers.
I'm going to have to go back when I have time and see what else she's got hidden.
Killa? A ton of excellent fic in several fandoms. Coincidentally enough, I was looking at wikipedia's entry on Kirk/Spock, and they attribute the first K/S story posted on the web to her.
Killa? A ton of excellent fic in several fandoms.
Oooh, this is very good to know. Very bad, too, because now I will be chasing it down and bookmarking it to read later this weekend. I may not even leave the house.
Sail -- loved that SPN/Angel story. I think I need to start re-watching Angel. I was thinking how much I miss the show while watching Bones last night. (Are there Angel/Bones stories?)