...entirely out of the blue, and apropos of nothing, as I was in my bunk falling asleep last night I found myself craving, of all the random things, Girl!Xander fic. Sticky, unexpected, potentially meaningful Girl!Xander/Willow, segueing almost accidentally into Girl!Xander/Spike. Rather angry, thoroughly filthy, Season 6, post-Hells Bells, post Spike/Buffy, post Spike/Anya, with an awful lot of baggage and mutual antagonism and...er. Yeah. Anyway. There was hotness.
So presumably, fandom being what it is, somebody somewhere has already written this?
I know of Girl!Xander with Boy!Anya fic. It also includes Boy!Buffy and Girl!Spike. Lots of smut ensues. Will it suffice until you find exactly what you're looking for?
Angel/SPN crossover fic: [link]
Great Angel and Dean voices. Cameos by Sam and Spike.
Sail, thanks bunches for that link. Awesome story.
I thought it was excellent, myself. I'm going to have to go back when I have time and see what else she's got hidden. I found the story through a link in someone else's lj, so I wouldn't have found it my own, either. Following fandoms can get quite convoluted, particularly with crossovers.
I'm going to have to go back when I have time and see what else she's got hidden.
Killa? A ton of excellent fic in several fandoms. Coincidentally enough, I was looking at wikipedia's entry on Kirk/Spock, and they attribute the first K/S story posted on the web to her.
Killa? A ton of excellent fic in several fandoms.
Oooh, this is very good to know. Very bad, too, because now I will be chasing it down and bookmarking it to read later this weekend. I may not even leave the house.
Sail -- loved that SPN/Angel story. I think I need to start re-watching Angel. I was thinking how much I miss the show while watching Bones last night. (Are there Angel/Bones stories?)
I think I've seen some at Twisting the Hellmouth, sumi. I'd provide a link, but the net nanny here at work blocks that site. Why that one out of all my favorite fic archives I haven't got a clue.
Killa's also an awesome vidder, and if you've seen the Kirk/Spock vid set to NIN's "Closer", or the Monty Trek vid set to "Camelot" from MP&tHG, that's her as well.