Wincest. It's the new cilantro.
Oh, perfect.
t loves on Plei
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Wincest. It's the new cilantro.
Oh, perfect.
t loves on Plei
You... don't like cilantro? Freak.
I don't know that I defined a box other than "the people who like to read Wincest".
Well, it isn't even what ya'll are saying here, but it just felt like we were going down that wanky, well-traveled road, and I don't want to have that discussion again, even with people I love like ya'll.
Eh, I just appreciate being able to not my beautiful cake with you guys
I think you're missing a verb, honey.
Apologies aren't necessary but they are appreciated. I think it's just--well, to use the cake metaphor, it's too bad that you don't like the cake, but it carries the implication that the cake shouldn't be made in the first place, that the cake should only be already-accepted cake. Okay, metaphor failing. But you know what I mean. And again, I don't really want to talk about this because there's no real resolution here.
Who likes slash? I do!
You... don't like cilantro? Freak.
Amusingly, I actually love cilantro like sparkles. For I am not one of the people to whom it tastes like especially nasty soap.
I think it's just--well, to use the cake metaphor, it's too bad that you don't like the cake, but it carries the implication that the cake shouldn't be made in the first place, that the cake should only be already-accepted cake.
I don't think it does carry it, though. I think it *can*, but when I grouse, it's because there are good bakers out there baking cakes that I don't eat. There are plenty of good cakes left, and many excellent bakers, but my desire for cake is such that I sometimes look longingly at those I know I wouldn't care for, because the taste doesn't work for me.
There is no value judgement there, just different taste buds.
I think you're missing a verb, honey.
In that case, not my beautiful cake was the verb.
That's not how 95% of the Wincest I read plays out at all.
And the funny part is that when I surf my friendlist after a new episode, it feels like 95% of them are announcing that Sam and Dean are so totally doing it. So I feel out of step with the fandom, and not a cool kid, and I'm just grumbling and kicking my feet here when what I should be doing is creating a new reading filter.
I'm not trying to make a moral judgment or put anyone in a box, or deny anyone their beautiful cake.
Cake is never bad. That's why it's a good metaphor.
Well, the thing I think is cool about cake is that there are so many different varieties and I like variety. I've never had a OTC, so I don't feel limited or like I'm missing anything. What makes more of a difference to me is the execution in the baking of the cake and the presentation.
t /Buffy speak
At least it ain't cookies.
As predominantly a gen writer, I'm pretty much used to being Not a Cool Kid in fandom. ::shrugs::
This is just limiting my reading more than affecting my writing.
I'm still on a quest for the SPN comm that allows everything else but wincest. There are gen comms, and comms that are restricted in other focussed ways; and comms that are restricted along ethical lines too strict for me (e.g., disallowing Teh Gay as well). It's tiring, trolling ten comms rather than one; but I've decided I can't bear to be on a comm that does allow wincest, so the extra work is required for me, at this point. There doesn't seem to be that one perfect comm that is meant for fic that can be adult, without breaking a taboo that's important to me.
I'm over the whole "all fandom must follow my desires" thing, but, I feel that I am a unique flower marketing niche that has not yet been broken out and exploited in the manner thata marketing niche deserves. Mostly, I am hoping to guilt trip somebody else into making a comm because I wouldn't know how to admin one even if I did have the ambition to start it.