SA'd know, I bet.
Is it this? [link]
or this [link]
or possibly this [link]
but I have a strong bet that it's this [link]
though it might very well be this [link]
as I recall this one was kind of funny [link]
and this is getting embarrassing, so I'm going to stop.
There's one particular nsync story (of the many, many good ones that are out there) that still sticks with me, because it was futuristic cyberpunk noir wingfic and really quite moving and beautiful. I'll have to go back and find it when I'm at my computer.
Don't you just?
The scenario was that it was the future and there was an underground group of young people who competed in fast-flying competitions, getting wings surgically implanted on their frames. Lance was a detective hired to find a missing man, who turns out to be JC (or maybe Justin; fandom writes them similarly a lot of the time and I can get them confused), competing in the competing. It of course developed into sex. and slash. And Lance got sucked into the world of the competitors. Great story.
a) bouncebouncebounce -- thanks for the links.
b) The one Plei mentioned was killer SPN RPS Wingfic-- do you know where that might be?
(I said I had wingfic issues already, didn't I?)
Oh! SPN RPS. Hmm. Let me nose around.
For those who liked "Freedom's Just a Word for Nothing Left to Lose", the post-series SGA story about Rodney in academia, Syn just posted a sequel.
and this is getting embarrassing, so I'm going to stop.
Don't stop! At least not until you've found the J/J one with the wings for Lee.
Don't stop!
Seconded. I've never heard of wingfic, but I think I could get used to it. I just need more samples to inhale/pet/snorfle over investigate before I make a determination.
Don't stop! At least not until you've found the J/J one with the wings for Lee.
Plei's feeding my crackfic addiction got my back. YAY
I had no idea so many of you freaks were into wingfic.
t eyes you all