a) bouncebouncebounce -- thanks for the links.
b) The one Plei mentioned was killer SPN RPS Wingfic-- do you know where that might be?
(I said I had wingfic issues already, didn't I?)
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
a) bouncebouncebounce -- thanks for the links.
b) The one Plei mentioned was killer SPN RPS Wingfic-- do you know where that might be?
(I said I had wingfic issues already, didn't I?)
Oh! SPN RPS. Hmm. Let me nose around.
For those who liked "Freedom's Just a Word for Nothing Left to Lose", the post-series SGA story about Rodney in academia, Syn just posted a sequel.
and this is getting embarrassing, so I'm going to stop.
Don't stop! At least not until you've found the J/J one with the wings for Lee.
Don't stop!
Seconded. I've never heard of wingfic, but I think I could get used to it. I just need more samples to inhale/pet/snorfle over investigate before I make a determination.
Don't stop! At least not until you've found the J/J one with the wings for Lee.
Plei's feeding my crackfic addiction got my back. YAY
I had no idea so many of you freaks were into wingfic.
t eyes you all
Neither did I, until SPN.
I can't explain it. Nor can I explain my sudden LOVE for Dean/Impala, or for CarPreg, or... really, a lot of things.
Including my dive into the gen end of the pond.
Well, I'm not really into wingfic, except that Barkley recced one without saying that's what it was... it was Fryeadvocate's, and it was really good. So now it's on the list of "things I might read if it's otherwise good," but I don't go looking for it.
CarPreg??? Dean/Impala???
.... I think I need links.