It really is. And I mean that is the most word-county way possible.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Kavan Smith confirmed that that was his character's name in an interview weeks ago. And Carson calls Lorne by his name in the episode "Sunday" .
...totally blanked on that.
Darn. Now I have to go back and change stuff. My chips were on Nick.
That's the one I liked best of the unofficial fanfic names, too. Based on the rodeo AU Harlequin story, I think, which was the first I read that dealt with the character in real depth. But Evan's a good name, and it's not like people are going to be calling him by it much anyway.
Yeah, I was a fan of Nick, but I'm okay with Evan. I'm just glad to have it settled already.
rodeo AU Harlequin story
Duuude. Link? Or wait, is that the one where McKay and Zelenka are vets?
It's weird going back to stories and seeing everyone's idea of what Rodney's full name.
That's the one, Brenda.
Do you have a link for the rodeo fic, I don't think I read that one.
Animal Husbandry was a very, very good story.
But Evan's a good name, and it's not like people are going to be calling him by it much anyway.
It's true. I mean, it could have been worse. IE, Marcus.
Yeah, I was a fan of Nick, but I'm okay with Evan. I'm just glad to have it settled already.
This more than anything.
You people should all be glad I'm sparing you from the Scrubs wingfic I can't stop looking at. I'm just saying. With a few well placed quotes, I could make you cry.