In your fandoms, my peeps, what would you like to see written most? Not even always a whole story, but just a scene.
Kat/Kara in BSG, because OMG the slashiness. Also Kara/Tigh (not a kink of mine, per se, but I just think it's totally plausible for early Season 3). Dean/Faith. (Having watched the first 11 eps of SPN Season 2 I'm now sorely tempted to write another ficlet in my BtVS/SPN crossover 'verse, because - dude! Amber! As a hot brunette vamp on her own personal 12 step programme! The prospect of Faith/Lenore slays me... and then there's Darla and Dru getting their hands on her....gah.)
Also? Connor/Wesley totally punches my buttons. Yes. Always has. See also Connor/Lindsey (because, dear heaven, Connor is the incarnation of Lindsey's screwed up Angel/Darla longings, looks v. plausibly like both parents, and would afford a truly spectacular opportunity to mess with Angel's head. Oh yes. Yes indeed.)