See also Connor/Lindsey (because, dear heaven, Connor is the incarnation of Lindsey's screwed up Angel/Darla longings, looks v. plausibly like both parents, and would afford a truly spectacular opportunity to mess with Angel's head. Oh yes. Yes indeed.)
Oh. My. God.
I never knew I wanted this but now I want it so desperately.
nods and nods and nods. while drooling
goes to sit in Fay's corner
hands out cocktails.
So what time is it where you are?
Lee and I are both board time. And maybe bored time, too. Which is the perfect time for fic and cocktails.
Well, it's quarter to noon on Monday where I am, but I shan't let that stop me from downing a virtual mojito with you!
Mojiiiiita! We'll call it a lunchtime treat for you.
Is it okay to be slightly disgruntled that someone posted a new SGA story called "Counterpoint"? (For those of you that know what I'm talking about.)