I just got a very nice email from someone who enjoys my stories from The Equalizer--written nearly ten years ago now, some of them, gosh. Boy, it's nice to get validation for old work. Now if I could just get that independent wealth thing going, I could finish the series I was doing in that world.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I am b-o-r-e-d, and not feeling like asking this on LJ, so...
In your fandoms, my peeps, what would you like to see written most? Not even always a whole story, but just a scene.
Because right now, I'm totally dreaming of brotherly banter about the sexual preferences of certain characters on Scooby Doo.
Damn it, now I kind of want genderswapped Dean hooking up with Velma.
Damn it, now I kind of want genderswapped Dean hooking up with Velma.
Can she be wearing that Superman shirt?
I'd love to see a crossover between SPN and ScoobyDoo! I'm thinking a little Dean/Daphne action here, with the SMG live action version. Hee.
Can she be wearing that Superman shirt?
Oh, hell yes. Hot and butch and enough of a geek that Velma will let her get her hands up Velma's skirt. That's the ticket.
Now that (SGA spoiler) Major Lorne has been revealed to paint in his spare time, I'd like to see the hijinks that occur when a request that someone pose for him gets taken the wrong way .
That's the ticket.
Please, please write this. Either one of you, really.
I'll give you a nickel, or a cookie, or whatever else you want.
Butch lesbian Dean screwing Velma Dinkley in the stacks, with freckles and knee socks for $5,000, Alex.
Butch lesbian Dean screwing Velma Dinkley in the stacks, with freckles and knee socks for $5,000, Alex.
Broken now.