Ha! I mourn the loss of the pumpkin, really I do. Pumpkin pie is sorely missed from my world. Gyah, I can taste it now.
You could hang onto it, actually, and perhaps send it to my theoretically oncoming new address? The British post is considerably more reliable than Irish. They even have zip codes.
Rusalka's vid "My Weakness" is pretty good: [link]
Here's the Weird Al one, "Your Horoscope" by ringwench: [link]
split your side funny.
[link] Ringwench also did one to "I Woke Up in a Car" which is amusingly self-referential to the text.
[link] Charmax's "That's the Way We Get By," again a little more positive and up-beat while still sticking to the tone of the text.
[link] "I Ain't Scared of Dying" by papawinchester. quiet and meaningful.
[link] Charmax again, "Protege Moi"
[link] Greensilver, "Ghost Song"
I will hold on to it, SA, and resend when you tell me where.
That's going to be some well traveled pumpkin. I wish I could hand deliver it.
Yay for vid recs!
I wish I could hand deliver it.
And that's not possible because....?
because you haven't told me where you live yet?
Also, that pesky work and money stuff.
because you haven't told me where you live yet?
Working on that! But you can rest assured it will be somewhere in Manchester. If one were inclined to look at flights for any time between January and July of 2007.
Also, that pesky work and money stuff.
pfft! *handwaves* That all works itself out. No, really.
yessss, prescious. Hmmmmmmm away.
Y'all need Luminosity (sockkpuppett on LJ) and LithiumDoll's (lithium_doll) SPN vids-- they rock mightily. Lum's "Shuffle" is fantastic.
Y'all need Luminosity (sockkpuppett on LJ) and LithiumDoll's (lithium_doll) SPN vids-- they rock mightily. Lum's "Shuffle" is fantastic.
Seconded. IIRC, Lum has an imeem account, too.
Killa's Grave (which is probably not the full title) is also amazing. (Suela, what's her LJ name? I can't remember it right now.)
Before watching Shuffle, watch Bricks (also Lum) for an amazing double feature.
Killa's LJ name is killabeez.