because you haven't told me where you live yet?
Working on that! But you can rest assured it will be somewhere in Manchester. If one were inclined to look at flights for any time between January and July of 2007.
Also, that pesky work and money stuff.
pfft! *handwaves* That all works itself out. No, really.
yessss, prescious. Hmmmmmmm away.
Y'all need Luminosity (sockkpuppett on LJ) and LithiumDoll's (lithium_doll) SPN vids-- they rock mightily. Lum's "Shuffle" is fantastic.
Y'all need Luminosity (sockkpuppett on LJ) and LithiumDoll's (lithium_doll) SPN vids-- they rock mightily. Lum's "Shuffle" is fantastic.
Seconded. IIRC, Lum has an imeem account, too.
Killa's Grave (which is probably not the full title) is also amazing. (Suela, what's her LJ name? I can't remember it right now.)
Before watching Shuffle, watch Bricks (also Lum) for an amazing double feature.
Killa's LJ name is killabeez.
I'm only up to episode 3, I got distracted by housecleaning and football yesterday. But I've seen some random episodes -- like the faith healer one, Amber Benson is a Vampire, and the Zombie Chick (where Jared broke his hand) I did down load and watch one of Lum's but I can't remember which one, it was good, but then I like all of her vids. I really want to watch her Dexter vid, but I'm definitly waiting until I see all those episodes.
I'm saving the vids until I'm done with getting up to date. I'm done with getting spoiled on a TV show anymore. I did it with Buffy and quit half way through season 7, but it was really too late. The problem was, the hunt for the spoilers was fun, but knowing them sucked.
Yeah, most of the vids I linked to rock the spoilers. So don't click! Just mark.
I really want to watch her Dexter vid, but I'm definitly waiting until I see all those episodes.
Oh, yeah. It spoils the finale like whoa, but OMG. SO GOOD. Fucking disturbing, but so, so good.
t flails about Dexter some more
The show has eaten my brain, but unlike SPN, there isn't a big established fandom about it, so I don't have a mountain of good fic to help me fill the void during the long, long (10 months-long!) hiatus. Woe. Well, at least there were several good Dexter fic from yuletide.