Yuletide is up!
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
1000+ stories, my god.
I just had 228 tabs open in Firefox. All of Yuletide.
I think I will take my time browsing through Yuletide over the next several months. It felt rather odd not to participate this year, but I'm looking forward to plowing through the fics.
I got two stories! LA LA LA LA LA!
To file under: "It's a sickness."
I just left the family gathering (in my living room) to refresh my story to check for comments. ::facepalm::
(It had some. Yay!)
I got two stories! LA LA LA LA LA!
I only got one, but it was AWESOME.
Yay! Both of mine were for "Big Eden," which is also YAY.
Dear LORD, Yuletide is made of sheer AWESOME!!!
There was GOOD DARK ANGEL!!!1!!! OMG!!!!!!!
I flail in the general direction of the archive.
Really? Will the holiday miracles never end!
Good Dark Angel GEN!!!!1! About ALEC!!!
Seriously, I'm still flailing.
Best. Yuletide. Ever.
The sheer quality of so much of this stuff. Wow.