There's a due South/BtVS crossover with Oz, iirc - I think it's over at Poly Recs. And I know there's a due South/Stargate one out there somewhere, but I haven't read it...
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I've got about eight different due south crossovers, from the tag page here: [link] A Btvs/due south is in there, though I don't recall the title.
I'm about to do something not that nice to a friend...can anyone recommend any Fred/Willow fics?
I'm about to do something not that nice to a friend...can anyone recommend any Fred/Willow fics?
I'll do a more thorough hunt in the morning
Bless. He's likely going to kill me, but he'll read some.
Does anyone know Hellsing fandom? Is there decent fanfic, for the anime or the manga?
If any SPN readers are interested in a plotty, smart, creeepy story about Dean and the Big Bad Wolf, set among the loggers and environmental activists in the Pacific Northwest, click here. to read "Red" by Big Pink. I can't say enough good things about this story: it has Winchester Angst, three-dimensional original characters, smart suspenseful plotting, and a fantastic sense of place. And a Dean who will break your heart into itty bitty pieces.
Does anyone know Hellsing fandom
I haven't yet read/watched Hellsing. Maybe Anne has?
If any SPN readers are interested in a plotty, smart, creeepy story about Dean and the Big Bad Wolf, set among the loggers and environmental activists in the Pacific Northwest, click here. to read "Red" by Big Pink. I can't say enough good things about this story: it has Winchester Angst, three-dimensional original characters, smart suspenseful plotting, and a fantastic sense of place. And a Dean who will break your heart into itty bitty pieces.
Curse you, wee Suela!
Reccing rassafrassin' tailor-made for me stories when I have stuff to do...
I haven't yet read/watched Hellsing. Maybe Anne has?
I've seen the anime and read some of the manga, but I've not been tempted to seek out fic. This is mostly because the fandom is apparently v. wanky.