Lee, what's your preferences? Het, gen, slash, au, crossover? PWP, epics, noirish mysteries?
I'd start with the Bright Shiny Objects site, and PolyRecs. I have a somewhat out-of-date recs page on my website, but you should be able to find most of the fic on Leviathan. (All of these are linked right off my LJ.)
I pretty much like it all, as long as it's well written. I'll those sites to my look at list.
Dear God, I
I just - she's a rock. I was feeling tired and grumpy and sad, and reading those paragraphs made me SNORT and laugh until my sides ached.
...I don't even know where to begin commenting. It's all just so - she's so - I just - dear
she's funny.
Lee, here's my fic recs: [link]
I just finished having a due South marathon that I followed with watching a few of my Early Edition tapes. I now really want to read a crossover. Are there any at all? Slash or gen doesn't matter to me.
There's a due South/BtVS crossover with Oz, iirc - I think it's over at Poly Recs. And I know there's a due South/Stargate one out there somewhere, but I haven't read it...
I've got about eight different due south crossovers, from the tag page here: [link]
A Btvs/due south is in there, though I don't recall the title.
I'm about to do something not that nice to a friend...can anyone recommend any Fred/Willow fics?
I'm about to do something not that nice to a friend...can anyone recommend any Fred/Willow fics?
I'll do a more thorough hunt in the morning
Bless. He's likely going to kill me, but he'll read some.