I just read a killer Atlantis story. "Killer" is exactly the word one would use to describe this story. Brilliant and brutal:
Legion the Things I Would Give to Oblivion, by Auburn. Atlantis, R, slash, threesome. Dark things happen. It's really really really good.
Dana is not allowed to read it.
Here's another link, then:
Oh that is niiiiice. In an incredibly angsty, why-must-they-suffer-so-much? way, of course. Thanks for posting!
Terrific job, and the sort of story I'd love to be able to do, but I can't bring myself to be quite that mean.
I know there's an Atlantis story where the guys turn into penguins, but I lost the link...can anyone help me?
Check eliade's journal. I know she posted a link to it.
Dana is not allowed to read it.
I saw all the fuss and did my usual, which is to skip to the end and confirm that nope, I was okay with not reading the pain.
I just read Katie M.'s Luke/Grace Joan of Arcadia fanfic written for Nestra's birthday. And then I followed a link and read iphigenia 939's.
Is there any more like that?
Sophia, I'd check Bright Shiny Objects, I guess. I don't know where else to find the good JoA fic.
And isn't Katie's story fab? Grace, with the ... ahem. *grin*
I'm trying to think... Yahtzee wrote a couple (scroll down). Five Things She's Not is about Grace; Goodnight Moon is wonderful, but very different (and not about Grace at all). A few were written for Yuletide, too.