Ah, that's Killa and T. Jonesy's vid. It's fantastic. And, yeah, out of context--I think the sepia really makes it.
Harmony ,'Conviction (1)'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
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A friend to whom I'm merely introducing the idea of fic, etc, sent it to me. It creeped him out, but it kept him rapt. As it did me. The sepia, the transmission artifacts, the blurring of focus...yeah, just love.
That is what they call a Constructed Reality vid--it's the first one I ever saw, that does more than just shift the focus onto something, but actually tells a completely different story than canon. Impressive as hell.
Oh, my god, that was PERFECT.
I think they're my favourite sort. Ones that tell or embellish canon are cool, as well as those that illustrate a character.
But the CR ones impress me the most, when well done.
For all I know, this is old hat, but it's the first I've seen Kirk/Spock Closer vid. God, I love it. The use of out of context!
I saw this vid a couple years ago and it really grabbed me then, and recently I rewatched it and man, does it still have that power to it. I think this vid is a perfect example of the mutability of source material in telling a new story using the same clips. And besides that, it's just one of the most skillfully done vids I've ever seen because of how the material is arranged to tell a completely different story than what it was initially.
That is what they call a Constructed Reality vid--it's the first one I ever saw, that does more than just shift the focus onto something, but actually tells a completely different story than canon. Impressive as hell.
There was a cute one I downloaded from headtilt.com some years back (which seems to be no more) which threw a whole new interpretation on Buffy, Willow, and Warren. Still, I don't think I've seen many of those.
Constructed Reality vids are kissing cousins to AU vids, which I've become fascinated with recently. I think any vidder than can take source material from different media that, say, a specific actor has been in, and weave many clips from disparate sources into an understandable and interesting narrative is really impressive. There's been one in SGA that I just adore and make anyone that comes across my path watch.
There was a cute one I downloaded from headtilt.com some years back (which seems to be no more) which threw a whole new interpretation on Buffy, Willow, and Warren.
That's sisabet and Dawn's "Goodbye Earl."
I think my favorite constructed reality vid might be the one of Killa's, where Duncan, Methos, and Amanda are cat burglars.
I think my favourite CR vid after "Closer" is Jill and Kathy's A Beautiful Mind vid, "My Favourite Friend," which takes a conceit that shouldn't have worked, and makes it work beautifully.