That is what they call a Constructed Reality vid--it's the first one I ever saw, that does more than just shift the focus onto something, but actually tells a completely different story than canon. Impressive as hell.
There was a cute one I downloaded from some years back (which seems to be no more) which threw a whole new interpretation on Buffy, Willow, and Warren. Still, I don't think I've seen many of those.
Constructed Reality vids are kissing cousins to AU vids, which I've become fascinated with recently. I think any vidder than can take source material from different media that, say, a specific actor has been in, and weave many clips from disparate sources into an understandable and interesting narrative is really impressive. There's been one in SGA that I just adore and make anyone that comes across my path watch.
There was a cute one I downloaded from some years back (which seems to be no more) which threw a whole new interpretation on Buffy, Willow, and Warren.
That's sisabet and Dawn's "Goodbye Earl."
I think my favorite constructed reality vid might be the one of Killa's, where Duncan, Methos, and Amanda are cat burglars.
I think my favourite CR vid after "Closer" is Jill and Kathy's A Beautiful Mind vid, "My Favourite Friend," which takes a conceit that shouldn't have worked, and makes it work beautifully.
Do you have a link to that? I've never seen it.
That's their site. It's got a password and an auto-replier set up.
So, I had to bookmark a bunch of posts since I decided to read the last 20 posts at work. SCube, I check TtH everyday, how did I miss a Sandman crossover fic? Net nanny here at work has that site blocked, though. It's fairly innocuous, I'm not quite sure why. Vids I don't like to watch at work since I can never be sure just what's in them. Plus, I'm not in a cubicle so anyone walking by can see I'm watching something and not working. I am, however, quite eager to get home and watch them tonight.
I woke up this morning obsessing about BSG/Firefly x-over fic. There must be some out there, right? Has anyone seen any good ones?
What makes you think that BSG is in the future?